Welcome to the Blog put together by friends of Swami Bruce. If you know Bruce at all, you know how special he is and may have heard of his condition. This Blog is dedicated to generating support for Bruce and showing him how much we all care. Bruce will be posting his story and giving us updates so we can follow and support him in his journey. Please take the time to leave a comment for him and if you can, make a donation. Thank you.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011

The fundraiser was a success on so many levels. It will help us with our debt to the hospital and/or keep the wolf from our door during chemo. Really, I want to thank the people of north coastal San Diego county, the artists, small business people, teachers, caregivers. The restaurants that have been so generous... these are the people that make a community. I have always loved my community, and it turns out, apparently, that my community loves me. Friends, family, the arts and the ocean... it is all a man could want. I am truly grateful.
Every Breath a Victory
I submitted to the scalpel
I suckled the milk of human kindness
Every breath a victory
Each day a gift
I have been inside tubes
And had tubes inside me
I have rushed down the highway
I have sat so still, I watched leaves unfurl
Every breath a victory
Each day a gift
I have kept poisons out
And let poison in
I lost some muscle
But gained some fortitude
I abandoned some ego
And rediscovered some lost love
I have found the depth of human connection
And it made me weep
I lost my bearings
But I found my way
Every breath a victory
Each day a gift.
Monday, June 6, 2011
It's another techemo Monday...
Life rolls on. It doesn’t slow down for the particulars of your situation. There are drains that clog, light switches that cease to work. Forms to fill out, thank you notes to write. Birthdays to celebrate and newborns to bless and coo over. Gardens to water, weeds to pull, laundry to fold, airport runs, graduations, weddings, visits to the hospital. The river of life cannot be dammed.
Add to this chemo therapy and appointments with the radiation oncologist. Today, I found out that I am not supposed to be taking anti-oxidants during chemo and/or radiation, a big part of my personal health regimen. The thinking is that the chemo works by oxidative stress on the cells, so if one takes anti-oxidants, you might be “protecting” the cancer cells along with you regular cells. Perhaps that is why my symptoms were so mild for the first two treatments. Today, a beautiful Monday in so cal after a little light rain overnight, I had an early appointment at Scripps Green La Jolla, where the radiation oncologist wrote out a flow chart of sorts describing my prognosis and treatment on the paper that covers the exam table, as well as taking us into his office to look at the cat scan. I have to admit it was kinda cool looking at my innards appear and disappear as he scrolled his mouse. But I am still undecided about radiation therapy.
Then up the freeway to Scripps Encinitas for my 3rd chemo. Because of the holiday last Monday, there were only 6 days since my last chemo. And without my anti-oxidants, this session really kicked my arse. I felt like I’d been playing in the NFL without pads. Joint pain and chills mostly, but plenty of other unpleasant sensations. Amy’s folks brought me a sticker, from a neighbor, that says “Blame it on Chemo” I think I will paste it to my forehead. I now feel good enough to get off the couch and write this. Not much, but a start. Coconut water is my new addiction.
I hope to see you all at the Fundraiser on Thursday. I am rather referring to it as The Gathering of the Tribes. My dear daughter Carmen and my dear friend Elena have worked so hard and I am sure it will be a magical night. Also, keep my father Robert Bruce Stephens in your prayers, as he is in the Hospital struggling mightily to regain his health.
Until Thursday,
Swami bruce
Friday, June 3, 2011
The fun is less then a week away!
Just a little update to remind everyone that the Bruce Stephens Fundraiser is less then a week away!
Come out next Thursday, June 9th for a fun night of great local food, raffle, Stone beer, wine, local poets, art, reggae and more! All proceeds will benefit the Bruce Stephens' Foundation.
Admission is free so bring your friends, kids and dogs!
Parking will be limited, so get there EARLY!
Here's some more details....
Thursday, June 9th 2011
7pm - 9:30pm
Pannikin Coffee & Tea
Music By:
Opening set by:
Dave Plenn
Taylor Plenn
Last minute items we need are easels for art and gift certificate donations! Please call or email me at:
(760) 815-2708
To stay up to date with Bruce's health please check back here!
If you want to point anyone to the facebook event please send them here: http://on.fb.me/BruceStephens
Thank you so much. With your help and community support we can get Bruce through this!
Much Love,