Friday, April 22, 2011

Soup of the Guru!

Well, now I've got to get well! Today I had a very special visit from my dear friend, esteemed teacher and yoga master Manju Jois and his wife Nancy. It was very, very nice to see them, as always, and just brought me much joy. But the best part? Manju's soup! They walked in with a big tupperware container of some of the best soup this side of south India! Manju is famous for his soup, and I regard it as a very real blessing to be so gifted. I remember as a young yogi being invited to Manju's house for a cooking lesson and meal of the resulting soup. Good times! It just made me feel so connected to such a wonderful community. We sat and chatted for about an hour, comparing stories and giving updates. Manju took my name and birth information to forward to a brahmin priest in India for a personal ritual for my health and well being. He also advised me on some mantras that will help my health. Thank you Nancy, thank you Manju. Thanks for the soup and the gift certificate to Sunshine Gardens! The soup has fed both my body and soul. Blessings upon you and your families.

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