Greetings one and all. I hope this posting finds you and yours in a healthy and happy place. Spring is in full swing and that alone is cause for a smile or two. We had an nice Rapture around here, and I hope you did, too. I have continued to slowly return to some semblance of my former self, albeit a lighter an slightly more frail version. It is really kind of fun taking really good care of yourself. I'm talking naps, healing touch treatments, acupuncture, naps, guided meditations, naps, special diets, and beach walks. And naps.
But the big news is that after several delays, tomorrow I start my chemo treatments. The good news is that I will be taking them right here in Encinitas. The bad news is that it is still chemo. Tomorrow I am also hoping to get the results of a blood test and a CT scan I took last Friday. So for the first time since surgery, there will be an attempt to get some data about the presence (or hopefully, lack of) cancer. It's hard to get much done with all your fingers crossed.
I've got to give some props to the American Cancer Society. They have called and sent info and a small sum on a gas card to help with transportation to the treatments.
In other news, I won $42 on Friday night at a little poetry slam at the San Dieguito Heritage Museum. Second place. It was fun, some first time readers and and audience that was fairly new to spoken word. Always good to throw down some words with the poetry tribe.
Oh, and the chickens are all fine, thanks for asking.
Until the next apocalypse,
Swami bruce
p.s. - Speaking of poetry, I thought I would leave you with a little T.S Eliot:
I have seen the moment of my greatness flicker,
And I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker,
And in short, I was afraid.
—T. S. Eliot, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.”
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