Friday, April 15, 2011

So much love

As I sit and drink my coffee, look out the window to a beautiful Friday morning and look across the table at Bruce it feels like life is becoming a bit more normal. Thank God! What a crazy month it has been for the Stephens family at 1047 Guadalajara Drive. The one thing that has kept it from being over whelming at times is all the love and support coming our way from all of you. Our family, friends, students and clients have reminded us over and over how blessed we are to have you all in our lives. THANK YOU!!!!
The wonderful food, kind words of support and encouragement, the help financially, the holistic treatments and the visits have all helped to bring Bruce and I to a much calmer and healthy place. We know that its going to be a long and sometimes bumpy road but with all of you helping us when we stumble I know in my heart we will get through this and come out stronger people.
If this journey has taught me one thing it is that we never know whats going to be around the corner but with our "tribe" by our sides we are much stronger and able to battle the obstacles in our way. Thank you all for being in our tribe.
Much love to all of you....

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